Preview and Test

Each side of the virtual album can be previewed (listened) separately, by using the provided preview control panel:
⬤ Steps to preview a selected track
- Mouse click on the intended track to highlight it.
- Mouse click on the play button corresponding to the side where the intended track belongs to.
- While the track is being played, the track's information is shown in the "Now Playing" window.
- Mouse drag the progress bar in the "Now Playing" window to jump/FF/REW.
⬤ Steps to preview an entire side
- Make sure nothing is highlighted in the intended side. If any track is already highlighted, de-highlight it by mouse clicking on it again.
- Mouse click on the play button corresponding to the intended side.
- The side will start playing from the very beginning, including the silence of leader tape.
- The "Now Playing" window shows the real time progress of the current track being played.
- The bottom status bar shows the overall progress of the side being played.

Note: The playlists on both sides are locked (not editable) during a preview session.