NR Encoding Calibration

This calibration is only necessary/possible if: (a) the "NR Encoding" of this app will be used; (b) there is a Dolby mark on the tape recorder's level meter and the Dolby mark's position offsets from the 0 dB mark; (3) the "Advanced Calibration" has already been done:
(1) Finish the "Advanced Calibration" as aforementioned.
(2) Keep the tape recorder in recording mode.
(3) Click on the "CAL" button nearby the "DDi-B" and "DDi-C" options under the "NR Encoding" section.

(4) In the popup dialog, check on the "Generate 400Hz Calibration Tone" box.
(5) Mouse drag the slider and watch the tape recorder's level meter, until the tape recorder's level meter is pointing exactly to the Dolby mark.

(6) Click OK to keep the result, or Cancel to discard the result.