Basic Calibration

In addition to the minimum calibration, the meters can be approximately calibrated in a few simple steps, so that they can give meaningful readings based on the minimum calibration:
(1) Make sure the aforementioned minimum calibration has been done.
(2) Keep the tape recorder in recording mode.
(3) Mouse drag the "Max. dB" slider all the way to the right-most position (0 dBFS).
(4) Temporarily turn on the building-in test tone generator by selecting "400Hz" or "1kHz" (do not select "Pink").
(5) Watch the level meter on the tape recorder and mouse drag the "Ref. dB" slider until the level meter on the tape recorder is pointing to the "0" mark.
(6) Turn off the test tone generator by selecting "None".
(7) Leave the "Min. dB" slide as is.
Note 1: Please always keep "None" for the "Normalization", "Compression" and "NR Encoding" as they require "Advance Calibration" being done.
Note 2: The meters calibrated this way have no meaning/influence on any audio process, just for display.