  AziEzi is a compact utility for adjusting azimuth of audiotape player's magnetic head. It integrates oscilloscope, Lissajous, level meters, treble booster, and signal generator altogether, enabling users to watch all the measurements simultaneously on a single display. Additionally, users can listen to the audio in stereo, mono, or L-R (left minus right) in real time.
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  System Requirements:
OS  macOS 10.11 (El Capitan) or later
 Windows 10 (build 17763) or later (except Enterprise)
CPU  >2.4GHz with at least two cores
Sound Card  Must have standard stereo input and stereo output, sample rate
 44.1kHz ~ 96kHz (higher sample rate may also work but not
Oscilloscope  2-channel with auto/manual range adjustment and superimpose options
Lissajous display  With slow motion ellipse
Level meters  stereo/mono/L-R bars in RMS scale, with peak hold and slow motion options
Signal generator  1kHz/6.3kHz/10kHz/15kHz/20kHz @0dB/-10dB/-20dB
Output monitor  stereo/mono/L-R/mute
Treble booster up to +30dB

Please note that the final accuracy will also depend on what test tape is used, either with pure test tone or pre-recorded music.

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See also:
NAK T-100 (Audio Analyzer)
Mixtape Nerd (for analog mixtaping)
DDi Codec (for Dolby-B/C)
DxII Codec (for dbx-II/Disc)
DxI Codec (for dbx-I/Disc)