NAK  T-100 Audio Analyzer

  NAK T-100 is a lightweight and all-inclusive audio analyzer for inspecting analog audio devices on computer. It is capable of completing 7+ conventional audio measurements in a single setup without swapping a stack of physical instruments. This makes it an agile tool to quickly check whether a given audio device performs to its specifications. Or during a service/repair/modify project, this is a less overkill and more cost-effective tool for conducting general audio measurements on desk top. Some of the key functions are specifically optimized for tuning analog tape players/recorders.
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The app features modern DSP core with traditional analog skin. It adopts the "Skeuomorphism" design philosophy to offer era-specific operational experience in working with analog audio devices. However, the underlaying engine works purely from digital domainl, which does not have to conform to the analog measurement principes and yield strict identical readings. Typical tolerances across typologies of test instruments should be expected.


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Minimum System Requirements
OS  macOS 10.11 (El Capitan) or later
 Windows 10 (build 17763) or later (except Enterprise)
CPU  >2.4GHz with at least two cores
Sound Card  Must have standard stereo input and stereo output, sample rate
 44.1kHz ~ 96kHz (higher sample rate may also work but not

How to Install:
The software is being distributed via App Store or Microsoft Store.
The best way to download and install the app is to use the OS built-in "Store" app (such as "App Store" on macOS or "Microsoft Store" on Windows 10+). A registered user account with Apple or Microsoft will be required to start. Although a transaction can be finished outside of the Store, e.g.: via a Web browser, the actuall download/install should be completed by using the OS built-in "Store" app. So, it is recommanded to do all the procedures by using the "Store" app.


Functions and Specifications
 Generator  21 spot sinusoidal plus white, pink noise and square wave
 Level  -80dB ~ +10dB RMS or Peak
 (extendable to +30dB with physical input attenuator)
 0dB = 1.0V (after calibration)
 20Hz ~ 20kHz
 AC Volt  10mV ~ 300mV, 0.1V ~ 1V
 1V ~ 10V (with physical input attenuator)
 20Hz ~ 20kHz
 Requires calibration with an AC volt-meter as a reference
 Distortion  THD+N or HD3
 0.01% ~ 0.3%, 0.1% ~ 3%
 400Hz or 1000Hz base frequency
 Speed  3000Hz or 3150Hz, ±3%
 Wow & Flutter  0.01% ~ 0.3%, 0.1% ~ 3%
 Quasi-Peak (DIN 45507)
 Peak unweighted
 RMS unweighted
 Spectrum display: 0.2 ~ 100Hz, with periodicity estimation
 -100dB ~ -10dB, IHF-A weighted
 10 ~ 20kHz (extendable to 40kHz upon digital sample rate)
 -100dB ~ +10dB
 White noise
 Pink noise
 Sweep frequency (asynchronous)
 Lissajous  Ellipse figure with time stabilizer
 Oscilloscope  Two channel, non-quantitative
 Meter Ballistics  RMS: 300mS
 Peak: 10mS raise, 2000mS fall


Please note:
1. This app is by no means a replacement of laboratory grade instrument.
2. This app is intentionally designed in favour of simplicity without excessive configurability.
3. This app operates in two switchable modes: Basic and Scope.
4. The Basic mode is the primary working mode. Its UI panel may be unfamiliar to new users at first. But the same ergonomics has been repeatedly proven in the former practices decades before this app.
5. The Scope mode is a GUI add-on that displays complex measurement results in 2-dimensional plots. It is a lite graphic display without a set of pro settings.
6. The specifications may vary depending on actual sound card used.
7. Calibration will be needed prior to working with a specific audio device on a specific computer.
8. The computer must have standard stereo audio input (line-in) and standard stereo audio output (regardless of built-in or external) in order to allow the app functioning properly.
9. The app does not have hardware-level control on sound device. All sound configurations (such as sample rate, bitdepth, channel map and I/O gain) must be done with the standard tools provided by the Operating System.
10. The app works the best with a standard 2-channel stereo sound card by default. But this doesn't mean that it can't work with any multi-channel PRO sound device. It is just not effortless — additional multi-channel re-mapping may be required at the Operating System level.
11.Relatively faster computer with less busy multi-tasking workload is recommended.

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See also:
Mixtape Nerd (for analog mixtaping)
DDi Codec (for Dolby-B/C)
DxII Codec (for dbx-II/Disc)
DxI Codec (for dbx-I/Disc)


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